Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 8-Discussion

Unit 8-Discussion

Q The HR Director (your manager) has asked you to develop a new training curricula for each senior manager’s organizations. She wants you to focus on meeting the needs of the organization and meeting the needs of the employee while minimizing disruptions to productivity. 1. Who is best placed in the organization to determine the needs of overall training needs of each employee? 2. What information is absolutely necessary to begin that process?3. How will you address the learning needs of the individual?4. How do learning style differences factor into this? 5. How will you address the issue of productivity? How will minimize their time away from the job? How can you use technology to address this?

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From my personal context, I do believe that an HR is best placed in an organization to evaluate the needs of the whole set of training requirements that is necessary for delivering proper training to each employees (Huselid, 1995). This is mainly because, an HR of an organization is mainly aware of a manner that is needed for overall training needs especially when there is a lean time period especially during festivals or the people’s particularly who are not working over the same kind of projects.